"O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures. Here is the ocean, vast and wide, teeming with life of every kind, both large and small. See the ships sailing along, and Leviathan, which you made to play in the sea."
Psalms 104:24-26
A few weeks ago, I had a curious dream. I was ambushed by a giant sea monster; he lived among a bunch of withered blackened trees on some strange deserted ocean shore. He ate my friend, then began to chase me up a sandy embankment. I stepped on one of his fiery orange tentacles and screamed, and the dream was over. Apparently I yelled in my sleep! The funny thing is, I have always thought they were pretty fascinating and kind of cute. It amuses me to see them swimming around in the oceans on antique maps, and I was always intrigued by Leviathan, a dreadful sea monster mentioned in the Bible on many occasions.
When I found the vintage ring above, I had to laugh. I had gone into my local jewelry shop to browse for an investment piece; I'm turning 25 soon and feel like it's time to start a grown up jewelry collection. I knew the instant I put it on that it had to go home. I have just never seen anything like it; 18k white and yellow gold, rubies, and diamonds; most likely 40's or 50's according to the jeweler. My favorite part are his sharp little teeth!
Psalms 104:24-26
A few weeks ago, I had a curious dream. I was ambushed by a giant sea monster; he lived among a bunch of withered blackened trees on some strange deserted ocean shore. He ate my friend, then began to chase me up a sandy embankment. I stepped on one of his fiery orange tentacles and screamed, and the dream was over. Apparently I yelled in my sleep! The funny thing is, I have always thought they were pretty fascinating and kind of cute. It amuses me to see them swimming around in the oceans on antique maps, and I was always intrigued by Leviathan, a dreadful sea monster mentioned in the Bible on many occasions.
When I found the vintage ring above, I had to laugh. I had gone into my local jewelry shop to browse for an investment piece; I'm turning 25 soon and feel like it's time to start a grown up jewelry collection. I knew the instant I put it on that it had to go home. I have just never seen anything like it; 18k white and yellow gold, rubies, and diamonds; most likely 40's or 50's according to the jeweler. My favorite part are his sharp little teeth!
beautiful! scary dream! i've yelled in my sleep so loud before that it woke me up!
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